Incipit Lex Frisionum
Et haec est simpla compositio |
Beginning of the Law of the Frisians
And this is singular fines |
Tit. I
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De Homicidiis | On Manslaughter | |
1 | Si nobilis nobilem occiderit LXXX solidos componat; de qua mulcta duae partes ad heredem occisi, tertia ad propinquos eius proximos pertineat. | If a noble man kills a noble man, he pays 80 solidi; of this compensation, two parts belong to the heirs of the victim, and a third to his next of kin. | 80 GS = 240 sh = 2.880 sp |
2 | Et si negaverit, se illum occidisse, adhibitis secum XI eiusdem conditionis hominibus iuret. | And if he denies, to have killed him, he swears it with 11 men of the same rank. | |
3 | Si nobilis liberum occiderit, solidos LIII et unum denarium solvat; et si negaverit, cum VII sacramentalibus iuret. | If a noble man kills a freeman, he pays 53 solidi and 1 denarius [= tremisse]; and if he denies, he swears with 7 oath-helpers. | 53 GS + 1 tr = 160 sh = 1.920 sp |
Inter Laubachi et Wisaram cum V et Cisfli similiter. | Between Lauwers and Weser [East Frisia] with 5 [oath-helpers], at this side of the Vlie [West Frisia] also. | ||
4 | Si nobilis litum occiderit, XXVII solidos uno denario minus componat domino suo, et propinquis occisi solidos IX excepta tertia parte unius denarii; et si negaverit, cum tribus iuratoribus se excuset. | If a noble man kills a serf, he pays 27 solidi minus 1 denarius to his lord, and [of this] to the victim's kin 9 solidi minus one third denarius; and if he denies, he excuses himself with three oath-helpers. |
27 GS minus 1 tr = 80 sh = 960 sp 9 GS minus 1/3 tr = 26 2/3 sh = 320 sp |
Inter Laubachi et Wisaram et Cisfli cum duobus. | Between Lauwers and Weser and at this side of the Vlie with two [oath-helpers]. | ||
Inter Wisaram et Laubachi et Cisfli cum XXIII iuret. | Between Lauwers and Weser and at this side of the Vlie he swears with 23. | Herold placed the addition regarding 23 oath-helpers after article I:4, but it should have been one place lower, after article I:5 (Eckhardt & Eckhardt, 1982, p 12). | |
5 | Si liber nobilem occiderit, LXXX solidos componat, aut si negaverit, cum XVII iuret. | If a freeman kills a noble man, he pays 80 solidi; or if he denies he swears with 17. | 80 GS = 240 sh = 2.880 sp |
6 | Si liberum occiderit, solidos LIII et unum denarium solvat, et si negaverit, cum undecim sacramentalibus iuret. | If he kills a freeman, he pays 53 solidi plus 1 denarius; and if he denies he swears with eleven oath-helpers. | 53 GS + 1 tr = 160 sh = 1.920 sp |
7 | Si litum occiderit, solidos XXVII uno denario minus componat domino suo, et propinquis occisi solidos IX excepta tertia parte unius denarii, et si negaverit, cum quinque sacramentalibus iuret. | If he kills a serf, he pays 27 solidi minus 1 denarius to his lord, and [of that] to the victim's kin 9 solidi minus one third denarius; and if he denies, he swears with five oath-helpers. |
27 GS minus 1 tr = 80 sh = 960 sp 9 GS minus 1/3 tr = 26 2/3 sh = 320 sp |
8 | Si litus nobilem occiderit, similiter LXXX solidos componat, aut si negaverit, cum triginta quinqtie iuratoribus suae conditionis se excuset. | If a serf kills a noble man, he pays also 80 solidi; or if he denies, he excuses himself with thirty-five oath-helpers of his own rank. | 80 GS = 240 sh = 2.880 sp |
Inter Laubachi et Wisaram et Cisfli cum XLVIII iuret. | Between Lauwers and Weser and at this side of the Vlie he swears with 47. | Eckhardt & Eckhardt (1982, p 36) remarked that this should be XLVII oath-helpers. From other oath-articles elsewhere in the Lex, it can be inferred that the value a man's oath always equals 1/12 of his wergeld (including kin's share). Furthermore, in East and West Frisia a noble's wergeld is 4 times a serf's wergeld. So, when a noble man has been killed, and oaths must be sworn to prove the suspect's innocence, 12 x 4 = 48 serfs are required. These 48 serfs are the suspect plus 47 oath-helpers. | |
9 | Si liberum occiderit, solidos LIII et unum denarium solvat, et si negaverit, cum XXIII sacramentalibus iuret. | If he kills a freeman, he pays 53 solidi and 1 denarius [= tremisse]; and if he denies, he swears with 23 oath-helpers. | 53 GS + 1 tr = 160 sh = 1.920 sp |
10 | Si litum occiderit, solidos XXVII uno denario minus componat domino suo, et propinquis occisi solidos IX excepta tertia parte unius denarii, et si negaverit, sibi duodecimus iuret. | If he kills a serf, he pays 27 solidi minus 1 denarius to his lord, and [of this] to the victim's kin 9 solidi minus one third of a denarius; and if he denies, he swears twelve-fold. |
27 GS minus 1 tr = 80 sh = 960 sp 9 GS minus 1/3 tr = 26 2/3 sh = 320 sp |
Inter Fli et Sincfalam weregildus nobilis C solidi, liberi L, liti XXV, solid. denarii III novae monetae. | Between Vlie and Zwin the wergeld of a noble man is 100 solidi, of a freeman 50, of a serf 25, a solidus [being] 3 denarii new money. |
GS = 300 sh = 3.600 sp 50 GS = 150 sh = 1.800 sp 25 GS = 75 sh = 900 sp |
Inter Laubachi et Wisaram weregildus nobilis CVI solidi et duo denarii, liberi LIII solidi et denarium, liti XXVI solidi et dimidius, et dimidius tremissis. | Between Lauwers and Weser the wergeld of the noble man is 106 solidi and 2 denarii, of the freeman 53 solidi and 1 denarius, of the serf 26 and a half solidi and a half tremisse. |
106 GS + 2 tr = 320 sh = 3.840 sp 53 GS + 1 tr = 160 sh = 1.920 sp 26 1/2 GS + 1/2 tr = 80 sh = 960 sp |
11 | Si quis homo, sive nobilis, sive liber, sive litus, sive etiam servus, alterius servum occiderit, componat eum iuxta quod fuerit adpretiatus, et dominus eius ipsius pretii eum fuisse sacramento suo iuraverit. | If any man, be it a noble man or freeman or serf or even slave, kills the slave of another, he pays according to how it is valued, and the lord swears with his [single] oath that this was the right price. | |
12 | Quod si quaelibet ex praedictis personis hoc homicidium se perpetrasse negaverit, iuxta quod summa precii occisi mancipii fuerit aestimata, maiori vel minori sacramento se excusare debebit. | If, however, one of these persons denies to have committed the homicide, he must excuse himself with larger or smaller oaths, according to the price of the killed slave. | |
Inter Laubachi et Wisaram suam habet compositionem. | Between Lauwers and Weser [the slave] has his own fine. | ||
13 | Si servus nobilem, seu liberum, aut litum, nesciente domino occiderit, dominus eius, cuiuscunque conditionis fuerit homo qui occisus est, iuret hoc se non iussisse, et mulctam eius pro servo, bis simplum, componat. | If a slave kills a noble man or a freeman or a serf while his lord does not know about it, his lord swears that he did not order this, whatever the rank of the victim, and he pays his fine twice single for the slave. | |
14 | Aut si servus hoc se iussu domini sui fecisse dixerit, et dominus non negaverit, solvat eum sicut manu sua occidisset, sive nobilis, sive liber, sive litus sit. | Or, if the slave says that he acted on his lord's orders, and the lord does not deny this, he pays, as if he had killed him with his own hand, whether he be a noble man or a freeman or a serf. | |
15 | Et si servus hoc se perpetrasse negaverit, dominus eius iuret pro illo. | And if the slave denies to have committed this, his lord swears for him. | |
16 | Si nobilis erat qui occistis est, et nobilis ille cuius servus est, cum tribus sacramentalibus iuret. | If it was a noble man, who was killed, and a noble man to whom the slave belonged, he [the owner] swears with three oath-helpers. | |
17 | Si liber erat qiii occisus est, duas partes praedicti sacramenti cum duobus nobili et uno libero iuret. | If it was a freeman, who was killed, [the lord] swears two parts of the afore mentioned oath with two: a noble and a free man. | Herold's original text says: 'cum duobus nobilibus et uno libero' (with two nobles and a freeman). Several authors have remarked that this must be incorrect, (see Eckhardt & Eckhardt, 1982, p 38). In this case the required number is the oaths of two nobles (the lord plus a helper) plus a free oath-helper. |
18 | Si litus erat, ipse medietatem sacramenti cum uno lito iuret. | If it was a serf, he swears half the oath with a serf. | |
19 | Si dominus servi liber est, et nobilis qui occisus est, sua sexta manu pro servo sacramentum perficiat. | If the lord of the slave is a freeman, and the one who was killed a noble man, he takes the oath six-fold for the slave. | |
20 | Si suae conditionis, id est liber erat, cum tribus aeque liberis iuret. | If [the victim] was of his own rank, that is a freeman, he swears also with three freemen. | |
21 | Si litus erat, cum uno libero sacramentali iuret. | If [the victim] was a serf, he swears with three one free oath-helper. | |
Inter Laubachi et Wisaram dominus servi non iuret, sed componat eum ac si ipse eum occidisset. | Between Lauwers and Weser the lord of a slave does not swear, but he pays, as if he had killed him himself. | ||
Tit. II
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Forresni | Instigation | |
1 | Si nobilis nobilem per ingenium alio homini ad occidendum exposuerit, et is qui eum occidit patria relicta profugerit, qui eum exposuit tertiam partem leudis componat. | If a noble man, by [evil] cunning, instigates another man to killing, and the killer flees the country, the instigator pays one third of the wergeld. | |
2 | Si vero homicida non fugerit, nihil solvat, sed tantum inimicitias propinquorum hominis occisi patiatur, donec quomodo potuerit eorum amicitiam adipiscatur. | If, however, the killer does not flee, the instigator does not pay anything, but he will only suffer the enmity of the victim's kin, until somehow he regains their friendship. | |
3 | Si autem hoc fecisse dicitur, et negaverit, cum tribus sacramentalibus iuret, si ille qui hominem occidit profugium fecit; sin vero homicida infra patriam est, expositor nihil iuret, sed tantum inimicitias propinquorum occisi hominis patiatur, donec cum eis quoquo modo potuerit in gratiam revertatur. | If, however, [the instigator] is accused and denies, he swears with three oath-helpers if the killer ran; but if the killer is in the country, the instigator does not swear anything, but only suffers the enmity of the victim's kin, until somehow he can return into their grace. | |
4 | Si nobilis liberum hominem exposuisse dicitur, tertiam partem leudis eius componat, si extra patriam fugit qui hominem occidit, si vero infra patriam est, nihil solvat; quod si negaverit, similiter sicut de nobili sacramentum iuret, tertia sacramenti portione adempta propter viliorem personam liberi hominis. | If a noble man is accused of instigation against a freeman, he pays one third of his [the freeman's] wergeld if the killer fled the country; but if he [the killer] is in the country, the instigator does not pay anything; if he denies, he swears the same oath as for a noble man, less one third of the oath for the lower value of the person of a freeman. | |
5 | Si de lito idem scelus ei imputetur, et homicida defuerit, ut superius de libero sacramentuni perficiat, adempta ipsius sacramenti dimidia portione; solvens tertiam portionem leudis eius, si negare non potuerit; et si is qui eum occidit infra patriam fuerit, sicut superius diximus, expositor nec iuret, nec leudem solvat, sed inimicitias propinquorum occisi patiatur, donec se cum eis reconciliet. | If he is accused of the same crime against a serf and the killer has fled, he takes the oath as above for a freeman, less half part of that oath; he pays the third part of his wergeld if he cannot deny; and if the killer is in the land he neither swears nor pays the wergeld, as stated above, but suffers the enmity of the victim's kin, until he reconciles with them. | |
6 | Si liber in nobilem hominem tale scelus dicitur perpetrasse, similiter ut nobilis sacramento se excuset, addita super sacramentum quod nobilis iurare debet, ipsius sacramenti tertia portione; aut si negare non potuerit, et homicida defuerit, solvat tertiam partem leudis eius; si vero homicida infra patriam fuerit, nec iuret, nec aliquid solvat, sed tantum inimicitias propinquorum occisi patiatur, donec cum eis in gratiam revertatur. | If a freeman is accused of having committed such a crime against a noble man, he excuses himself just like a noble man by oath, plus one third of the oath that a noble man would swear, or he pays, if he can not deny and the killer is on the run, one third of his [the victim's] wergeld; but if the killer is in the country, the instigator neither swears nor pays, but only suffers the enmity of the victim's kin, until he returns into their grace. | |
6 | Si vero de libero idem scelus ei imputetur, sibi quarto sacramentum iuret, vel si homicida profugerit, tertiam portionem leudis eius componat, si negare non potuerit; si vero homicida infra patriam est, nec iuret, nec aliquid solvat, sed tantum ut superius faidosus permaneat, donec in gratiam cum propinquis occisi revertatur. | If he is accused of the same crime against a freeman, he swears four-fold or he pays, if the killer has fled, one third of the wergeld if he can not deny; but if the killer is in the country, he [the instigator] neither swears nor pays anything, but he stays, as above, in enmity, until he returns into the grace of the victim's kin. | Twice article number 6. |
7 | Si de lito idem auitur, adempta sacramenti dimidia portione, iurare debebit; aut si negare non potuerit, et homicida profugium fecit, ut superius diximus tertiam portionem leudis eius, componat; si vero homicida profugium non fecit, expositor nec iuret, nec aliquid solvat, sed tantum ut superius inimicitias propinquorum occisi patiatur. | If, however, the same is done to a serf, he must swear the oath minus a half; or if he can not deny and the killer flees, he pays, as above, one third of the wergeld; but if the killer does not flee, the instigator neither swears nor pays anything, but he suffers like above the enmity of the victim's kin. | |
8 | Si litus de nobili homine eodem scelere fuerit incriminatus, iuret medietate maiori sacramento, quam liber de nobili iurare debeat; aut si negare non potuerit, et homicida defuerit, omnia ut superius de aliis personis scripta sunt impleat; quod si de libero idem scelus ei imputetur, medietate maiori sacramento iuret, quam liber de libero iurare debeat, aut si negare non potuerit, et homicida profugerit, tertiam portionem leudis componat, et omnia ut superius dicta sunt implere compellatur. | If a serf is accused for the same crime against a noble man, he swears an oath that is one half bigger than the oath that freeman must swear for a noble man; or if he can not deny and the killer is on the run, he fulfils all, that has been written above for the other persons. If he is accused of the same crime against a freeman, he swears with an oath that is one half bigger than the oath that freeman must swear for a freeman; or if he can not deny and the killer flees, he pays one third of the wergeld and is forced to fulfil all, as stated above. | |
9 | Si de lito fuerit incrimitatus, sua quarta manu sacramentum perficiat, aut si negaverit, et homicida profugerit, ea quae superius scripta sunt per ordinem impleat. | If he is accused [for the same crime] against a serf, he takes the oath with four hands; or if he denies and the killer flees, he fulfils according to the orders what has been written above. | |
Haec VVlemarus addidit | Here Wlemar added | ||
Si quis servum, aut ancillam, caballum, bovem, ovem, vel quiuscunque generis animal, vel quodcunque homo ad usum necessarium in potestate habuerit, arma, vestem, utensilia quaelibet, et pecuniam, alii ad auferendum exposuerit, si ille qui abstulit patria profugerit, expositor tertiam portionem compositionis exsolvat, aut si negare voluerit, maiori vel minori sacramento, prout qualitas pecuniae fuerit, se excusare debet; si qui abstulit, non profugit, expositor nec iuret, nec solvat, sed tantum inimicitias portet eius cuius pecuniam abstulit. | If someone instigates another to take away, slave or bondswoman, horse, cow, sheep, or an animal of any kind, or anything that a man possesses for necessary use, weapons, clothing or any utensils, than the instigator, if the thief flew out of the country, pays one third of the fine; or he must, if he wants to deny, excuse himself with larger or smaller oaths according to the quality of the goods; if the thief did not run, the instigator neither swears not pays, but only suffers the enmity of the one whose goods were stolen. | ||
Tit. III
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Thiubda | Theft | |
1 | Si nobilis furtum quodlibet dicitur perpetrasse, et negare voluerit, cum quinque sacramentalibus iuret. | If a noble man is accused of some theft and he wants to deny, than he swears with five oath-helpers. | |
2 | Aut si negare non potuerit, quod abstulit, in duplum restituat, et ad partem regis LXXX solidos pro freda componat, hoc est weregildum suum. | Or, if he can not deny, he returns what he took twofold and he pays to the king 80 solidi as peace money, being his wergeld. | 80 GS = 240 sh = 2.880 sp |
3 | Si liber furti arguatur, et negare voluerit, sua sexta manu cum aeque liberis iuret, aut si confessus fuerit, rem quam abstulit in duplum restituat, et ad partem egis pro fredo weregildum suum. | If a freeman is being accused of theft and he wants to deny, he swears six fold with freemen; or if he confesses he repays what he took twofold and [he pays] to the king as peace money his wergeld. | |
4 | Litus conditionem suam per omnia similiter faciat, id est sua sexta inanu iuret, vel quod abstulit in duplum restituat, et weregildum suum ad partem regis pro freda componat. | A serf answers to his rank in the same way, that is that he swears with six fold hand; or he returns what he took twofold and pays his wergeld to the king as peace money. | |
5 | Si servus furti reus esse dicatur, dominus eius in vestimento suo sacramentum pro illo perficiat. | If a slave is being accused of being guilty of theft, his lord will swear the oath for him on his garment. | |
6 | Aut si res grandis erat, in reliquiis iuret; aut servum ad iudicium Dei in aqua ferventi examinet. | Or, if it was something of great value, the lord swears on the relics; or the slave is tested with an ordeal in boiling water. | |
7 | Quodsi servus in iudicio probatus apparuerit, vel confessus fuerit, quanti res, quae ablata fuerit, aestimabitur, tantum dominus pro servo componat, et servus vapulet, nisi dominus eius quatuor solidis corium eius redimere voluerit. | If, however, the slave appears to be guilty at the ordeal or he confesses, his lord pays the estimated value of the stolen goods, and the slave will be beaten, if his lord does not want to redeem his skin with 4 solidi. | 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
8 | Si quis in furto deprehensus fuerit, et ab ipso qui eum deprehendit, furti arquatur et negaverit, iuret uterque solus, et ad examinationem ferventis aquae iudicio Dei probandus accedat; si ille qui fur esse dicitur fuerit convictus, componat weregildum suum ad partem regis, et manum LX solidis redimat, et in simplo furti compositionem exsolvat. | If someone is caught stealing, and is being accused of theft by the one who caught him, and he denies, than each of them swears alone, and they must be judged in an ordeal with boiling water; if the guilt of the accused is proven, he pays his wergeld to the king and redeems his hand with 60 solidi and pays the single fine for theft. |
60 GS = 180 sh = 2.160 sp Since the amount of 60 solidi is higher than the wergeld of a freeman, it must be assumed that this is not a Frisian but a Frankish fine (Siems, p 227). |
9 | Si vero is, qui alium furem interpellavit, falso eum calumniatus est, et in iudicio ferventis aqua fuerit convictus, LX solidis manum suam redimat. | If, however, the one who accused the other did so falsely, and this is proven in an ordeal in boiling water, he redeems his hand with 60 solidi. |
60 GS = 180 sh = 2.160 sp See previous article. |
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De Servo aut iumento alieno occiso | On killing another's slave or animal | |
1 | Si quis servum alterius occiderit, componat eum, iuxta quod a domino eius fuerit aestimatus. | If someone kills the slave of another man, he pays him according to the value at which his lord estimates him. | |
2 | Similiter equi, et boves, oves, caprae, porci, et quicquid mobile in animantibus ad usum hominum pertinet usque ad canem, ita solvantur, prout fuerint a possessore earum adpretiata. | Likewise, horses and cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and any other livestock that belongs to men, including the dog, will be paid according to the owner's assessment. | |
3 | Aut si negaverit, iuxta quod iudex dictaverit, iuret. | Or, if [the offender] denies, he swears according to what the judge orders. | |
Hoc inter Laubaci et Sincfalam. | This [is the custom] between Lauwers and Zwin. | ||
4 | Canem acceptoricium, vel braconem parvum, queni barmbraccum vocant, IIII solidis componat. | [The killing of] a hawk dog or a small beagle, which is called barmbraccum [lap-beagle] is fined with 4 solidi. |
4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp
The hawk dog is also mentioned in the early-medieval Lex Baiuvariorum ('hapuhhunt'; Lex Baiuv. 20:6; MGH LL III, p 330). It could be a predecessor of the present Münsterländer or Heidewachtel, because in Germany one of the nicknames of this breed is 'Habichtshund' ( |
5 | Eum autem, qui lupum occidere solet, tribus solidis. | But if it can kill the wolf, with 3 solidi. |
3 GS = 9 sh = 108 sp
Thus, the killing of a dog that is capable of killing a wolf, is fined with 3 solidi. |
6 | Qui lacerare lupum, et non occidere solet, duobus solidis. | If it can injure the wolf, but cannot kill it, with 2 solidi. | 2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp |
7 | Canem custodem pecoris solido componat. | [The killing of] a watch dog for livestock is fined with [one] solidus. | 1 GS = 3 sh = 36 sp |
Trans Laubaci canem acceptorem VIII, barmbraccum XII, custodem pecorum vel domus IIII, qui lupum lacerat VIII | On the other side of the Lauwers a hawk dog with 8, a lap-beagle with 12, a watch dog for livestock or house with 4, [a dog] that injures the wolf with 8. |
8 sh = 96 sp 12 sh = 144 sp 4 sh = 48 sp 8 sh = 96 sp The 'solidi' mentioned here probably do not refer to golden solidi, but to silver shillings. Otherwise, the fines in East Frisia would be three times higher than between Lauwers and Zwin. See also XVIII: 1. |
9 | Illum vero, qui nihil facere solet, sed tantum in curte aut in villa iacet, uno tremisse componat. | He who does not do anything, but only hangs around in the court and in the house, is fined with 1 tremisse. |
1 tr = 1 sh = 12 sp
Article number 8 fails. |
Tit. V
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De Hominibus qui sine compositione occidi possunt | On people that can be killed without a fine | |
1 | Campionem; et eum, qui in praelio fuerit occisus; et adulterum; et furem, si in fossa, qua domum alterius effodere conatur, fuerit repertus; et eum, qui domum alterius incendere volens, facem manu tenet, ita ut ignis tectum vel parietem domus tangat; qui fanum effregit; et infans ab utero sublatus et enecatus a matre. | The duellist, who is killed in combat; and the adulterer and he who is caught in a ditch, through which he is undermining the house of another; and he who attempts to set fire to the house of another, who has the torch in his hand, while the flames reach the roof or wall of the house; he who demolishes a shrine; and the child expelled from the womb that is strangled [or: killed without nutrition] by the mother |
According to Siems (1980, p 332) the adulterers should be caught in the act, since the following provisions also apply to in-the-act situations.
The rule regarding undermining a house also appears in other Germanic laws, and in the Bible (Algra, 2000, p 149; Exodus 22:2). Krogmann (1967, p 115) suggested that the word 'enecatus' (strangled) is a writing error, and that the text should say 'nec altus' (without nutrition). That way, the Lex would correspond with the Vita Liudgeri, in that the killing did not have to be done specifically by strangulation, and that the child must still be sober. However, Siems (1980, p 336) does not agree with this interpretation. |
2 | Et si hoc quaelibet foemina fecerit, leudem suam regi componat, et si negaverit, cum V iuret. | And if any woman does so, than she pays her wergeld to the king; and if she denies, than she swears with 5. | Algra (2000, p 148) translates 'quaelibet foemina' with 'another woman' (thus: not the mother). This would imply that the mother does not have to pay a fine to the king. However, Siems (1980, p 337) does not agree with this interpretation. |
Tit. VI
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De coniugiis ignoratisi | On marriage in ignorance | |
1 | Si libera foemina lito nupserit, nesciens eum litum esse, et ille postea de capite suo, eo quod litus sit, fuerit calumniatus, si illa sua sexta manu iurare poterit, quod postquam eum litum esse rescivit, cum eo non concumberet, ipsa libera permaneat, et filii quos procreavit. | If a free woman marries a serf, not knowing that he is a serf, and later she is accused of being a serf, she remains free herself, and [also] the children she has produced, if she can swear six fold that she did not sleep with him since she heard that he was a serf. | |
2 | Si vero iurare non possit, in compositionem mariti sui una cum filiis suis transeat. | If she can not swear, she and her children take the rank of her husband. | |
Tit. VII
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De Brand | On fire-raising | |
1 | Si quis domum alterius incenderit, ipsam domum, et quicquid in ea concrematum est, in duplo componat. | If someone sets fire to the house of another, he pays him his house, and everything in it that was burnt, twofold. | |
2 | Si autem dominum domus flammis ex ipsa domo egredi compulit, et egressum occidit, componat eum novies, cuiuscunque fuerit conditionis, sive nobilis, sive liber, sive litus sit. Haec constitutio ex edicto regis processit. | If, however, by the flames he forces the lord of the house to come out and then he kills him, he pays nine fold for him, whatever his rank was, whether it be noble or free or serf. This regulation has been issued by the king. | |
Trans Laubaci et in fredam novies componit weregildum suum. | On the other side of the Lauwers he pays as peace money nine times his wergeld. | ||
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De Notnumfti | On theft with violence | |
1 | Si quis rem quamlibet vi rapuerit, in duplum eam restituere compellatur, et pro freda solidos XII componat, hoc est XXXVI denarios. | If someone steals something with violence, he must refund it twofold, and as peace money he pays 12 solidi, that is 36 denarii. | 12 GS, that is 36 tr = 36 sh = 432 sp |
Trans Laubaci in simplo componat. | On the other side of the Lauwers he pays singular. | ||
2 | Et pro freda weregildum suum. | And as peace money his wergeld. | |
Tit. IX
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De Farlegani | On whoring | |
1 | Si foemina quaelibet homini cuilibet fornicando se miscuerit, componat ad partem regis weregildum suum; hoc nobilis et libera faciant. | If a woman has united herself lecherously with a man, she pays to the king her wergeld; this must be done by a noble man and a free woman | |
2 | Lita vero ad partem domini sui. | However, a serf [pays] to her lord. | |
3 | Si vero ancilla et virgo erat, cum qua quislibet homo moechatus est, componat is, qui eam violavit, domino eius solidos IIII, hoc est denarios XII. | But if it was a slave and a virgin, on which the man laid his hands, than he who violated her pays to her lord 4 solidi, that is 12 denarii. | 4 GS that is 12 tr = 12 sh = 144 sp |
4 | Si autem ab alio prius fuerit constuprata, solidos III. | If she was violated by another previously, 3 solidi. | 3 GS = 9 sh = 108 sp |
5 | Si vero tertius hic erat, qui tunc eam violavit, duos solidos. | If the one who raped her was the third, 2 solidi. | 2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp |
6 | Si vero quartus, solidum unum. | If he was the fourth, 1 solidus. | 1 GS = 3 sh = 36 sp |
7 | Si quintus, tremissem unum; et quotcunque postea accesserint, tremissem unum tantum component, id est culpabilis tremissem. | If he was the fifth, 1 tremisse; and anyone that came after that, must pay only 1 tremisse, that is to say that each one owes 1 tremisse. | 1 tr = 1 sh = 12 sp |
8 | Si quis puellam virginem rapuerit et violatam dimiserit, componat ei weregildum eius, sive nobilis sive libera fuerit, ad satisfactionem, et ad partem regis similiter. | If someone abducts a virgin girl and leaves her behind dishonoured, he pays her wergeld, if she is a noble or free woman, as compensation, and also to the king. | |
9 | Tertium weregildum patri sive tutori puellae. | A third wergeld to the father or guardian of the girl. | |
10 | Si autem puella lita fuerit, satisfaciat ei similiter solutione weregildi sui, et domino eius decem solidos componat. | If, however, the girl is a serf, he also compensates her by paying her wergeld, and he pays 10 solidi to her lord. | 10 GS = 30 sh = 360 sp |
11 | Si liberam foeminam extra voluntatem parentum eius, vel eorum qui potestatem eius habent, uxorem duxerit, componat tutori eius solidos XX, id est denarios LX. | If a free woman, without the consent of her parents, or the one who is in charge of her, is abducted as wife, [the abductor] pays to her guardian 20 solidi, that is 60 denarii. | 20 GS, that is 60 tr = 60 sh = 720 sp |
12 | Si autem nobilis erat foemina, solidos XXX. | But if she was a noble woman, 30 solidi. | 30 GS = 90 sh = 1.080 sp |
13 | Si lita fuerit, solidos X domino eius persolvere cogatur. | If she is a serf, he must pay 10 solidi to her lord. | 10 GS = 30 sh = 360 sp |
Inter Laubachi et Wisarum fluvium talis est consuetudo | Between Lauwers and the Weser river there is the following custom | ||
14 | Si nobilis seu liber libero vi aliquid abstulerit, aut ipsum aut aliud simile in locum restituat, et XXIIII solidos pro facti scelere componat, et weregildum suum ad partem regis cogatur exsolvere. | If a noble man or a freeman takes something away from a freeman with violence, he returns either the same or something of equal value in its place, and he pays 24 solidi for his criminal act, and he must pay his wergeld to the king. | 24 GS = 72 sh = 864 sp |
15 | Si autem nobilis, vel liber, nobili vi aliquid abstulerit, medietate maiori compositione facinus cogatur emendare, et weregildum suum, ut superius, ad partem regis exsolvat. | If, however, a noble man or a freeman takes something away from a noble man with violence, he must pay for the crime with a fine one half higher, and as above, he pays his wergeld to the king. | |
16 | Inter litos vis facta, medietate minori compositione solvenda est; insuper et weregildum suum ad partem regis. | Violence committed between serfs is to be paid with a fine one half lower; additionally also the wergeld [of the offender] to the king. | |
17 | Si servus vi aliquid sustulit, dominus eius pro illo quantitatem rei sublatae componat, ac si ipse sustulisset, et pro weregildo servi IIII solidos, hoc est denarios XII, ad partem regis componat. | If a slave takes away something with violence, his lord pays for him the value of the stolen goods, as if he had taken it himself, and as wergeld for the slave he pays 4 solidi, that is 12 denarii, to the king. | 4 GS, that is 12 tr = 12 sh = 144 sp |
Tit. X
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De Testibus | On witnesses | |
1 | Si quis homo super reliquiis sanctorum falsum sacramentum iuraverit, ad partem regis weregildum suum componat, et alio weregildo manum suam redimat; de coniuratoribus eius unusquisque weregildum suum persolvat. | If a man swears a false oath on the relics, he pays to the king his wergeld and he redeems his hand with another wergeld; each one of his oath-helpers pays his wergeld. | |
Tit. XI
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De Lito | On serfs | |
1 | Si liber homo spontanea voluntate, vel forte necessitate coactus, nobili, seu libero, seu etiam lito, in personam et in servitium liti se subdiderit, et postea se hoc fecisse negare voluerit, dicat ille, qui eum pro lito habere visus est: "Aut ego te cum coniuratoribus meis sex, vel septem, vel decem, vel duodecim, vel etiam viginti, sacramento meo mihi litum faciam, vel tu cum tuis coniuratoribus de mea potestate te debes excusare". Si ille tunc iurare velit, iuret, et servitute liberetur; si autem iurare noluerit, ille qui eum possidere videbatur, iuret, sicut condixit, et habeat illum sicut caeteros litos suos. | If a freeman from his own will, or maybe out of necessity, goes as serf into the service of a noble man or a freeman or even a serf, and afterwards denies that he has done so, the one who seems to own him as a serf says: "Either I make you with my six or seven or ten or even twenty oath-helpers by my oath into my serf, or you with your oath-helpers must excuse yourself for my power". Then if he wants to swear, he swears, and he is released from his obligations. However, if he does not want to swear, than the one who seems to own him swears, as he said, and owns him as his other serfs. | |
2 | Si litus semet ipsum propria pecunia a domino suo redemerit, et unum, vel duos, vel tres, vel quotlibet annos in libertate vixerit, et iterum a domino de capitis sui conditione fuerit calumniatus, dicente ipsi domino: "Non redemisti, nec ego te libertate donavi". Respondeat ille: "Aut tu cum iuratoribus tuis sex, vel duodecim, vel viginti, vel etiam si triginta dieere voluerit, me tibi sacramento tuo ad servitatem adquire, aut me cum meis iuratoribus tantis, vel tantis, ab hac calumnia liberare permitte". Si ille, qui dominus eius fuerat, cum totidem hominibus, quot ei propositi sunt, iurare velit, conquirat eum sibi ad servitutem; sin autem, iuret alter, et in libertate permaneat. | If a serf has redeemed himself by payment to his lord, and has lived one, or two, or three years in freedom and than is accused again by his lord because of his rank, upon which the lord says: "You have not redeemed yourself, and I did not give you your freedom". Then he answers: "Either you win me with your six, or twelve, or twenty, or even thirty, if he wants to say that, oath-helpers through your oath as serf, or allow me to release myself from this accusation with my so or so many oath-helpers". If he, who was his lord, wants to swear, with as many men as was proposed, he wins him as serf; but if not, than the other swears and remains in freedom. | |
3 | Si aut calumniator, aut ille cui calumnia irrogata est, se solum ad sacramenti mysterium, perficiendum protulerit, et dixerit: "Ego solus iurare volo. Tu, si audes, nega sacramentum meum, et armis mecum contende". Faciant etiam illud, si hoc eis ita placuerit: iuret unus, et alius neget, et in campum exeant. Hoc et superiori capitulo constitutum est. | If either the accuser, or the one who has been accused, proposes to swear the holy oath alone, he says: "I want to swear alone. You, if you dare to deny my oath, than combat with weapons against me". Then they must do this, if they want it this way: one swears, and the other denies, and they enter the lists. This has also been established for the previous paragraph. | |
Tit. XII
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De Delicto servorum | On crimes by slaves | |
1 | Si servus rem magnam quamlibet furasse dicatur, vel noxam grandem perpetrasse, dominus eius in reliquiis sanctorum pro hac re iurare debet. | If a slave is being accused of stealing some large thing or of having committed a major crime, than his lord must swear for this on the relics of the saints. | |
2 | Si vero de minoribus furtis et noxis a servo perpetratis fuerit interpellatus, in vestimento vel pecunia iurare poterit. | However, if he [the lord] is called in for a smaller theft or crime committed by the slave, he can swear on vestment or money. | |
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De stupro ancillarum | On fornication with slaves | |
1 | Qui cum ancilla alterius, quae nec mulgere nec molere solet, quam bortmagad vocant, moechatus fuerit, solidorum XII mulctam domino eius cogatur exsolvere. | He who fornicates with another man's slave, who neither milks nor grinds, and who is called bortmagad [a table maiden], must pay to her lord a fine of 12 solidi. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
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De Homine in turba occiso | On manslaughter during a riot | |
1 | Si homo quislibet in seditione ac turba populi fuerit interfectus, nec homicida poterit inveniri propter multitudinem eorum qui aderant, licet ei qui compositionem ipsius quaerere vult, de homicidio usque ad septem homines interpellare, et unicuique eorum crimen homicidii obiicere, et debet unusquisque eorum sua duodecima manu obiecti criminis se purificare sacramento. Tunc ducendi sunt ad basilicam, et sortes super altare mittendae, vel si iuxta ecclesiam fieri non potuerit, super reliquias sanctorum. Quae sortes tales esse debent: duo tali de virga praecisi, quos tenos vocant, quorum unus signo crusis innotatur, alius purus dimittitur, et lana munda obvoluti super altare seu reliquias mittuntur; et presbyter si adfuerit, vel si presbyter deest puer quilibet innocens, unum de ipsis sortibus de altari tollere debet; et interim Deus exorandus, si illi septem, qui de homicidio commisso iuraverunt, verum iurassent, evidenti signo ostendat. Si illum qui cruce signatus est sustulerit, innocentes erunt, qui iuraverunt; sin vero alterum sustulit, tunc unusquisque illorum septem faciat suam sortem, id est tenum, de virga, et signet signo suo, ut eum tam ille quam caeteri qui circumstant cognoscere possint; et obvolvantur lana munda, et altari seu reliquiis imponantur, et presbyter si adfuerit, si vero non ut superius puer innocens, unumquemque eorum singillatim de altari tollat, et ei qui suam sortem esse cognoverit, rogat. Cuius sortem extreman esse contigerit, ille homicidii compositionem persolvere cogatur, caeteris quorum sortes prius levatae sunt absolutis. | If a man is killed during a riot in a street crowd, and the killer can not be found due to the large number of people present, he who wants to claim a fine for this man is allowed to call forward seven men for this manslaughter and to accuse each one of them of the crime, and each one of them must excuse himself for the crime with an oath by a twelvefold hand. Then they must be led to the church and lots must be laid on the altar, or if this can not be done near a church, on the relics of the saints. These lots must be as follows: two sticks of a broken twig, which are called tenos [wickers or willow-withe], one of which will be marked with the sign of the cross, while the other remains unmarked, and they are wrapped in pure wool and put on the altar or on the relics; and the priest if he is there, or, if there is no priest, an innocent boy, must take one of these lots from the altar; and meanwhile God is called upon, if He will give a sign to prove that these seven, who swore because of the killing, swore truthfully. If he takes the lot, that is marked with the cross, the ones who swore are not guilty; if however he takes the other one, than each of the seven makes his lot, that is a wicker, from a twig, an draws on it his sign, which he and the ones around him can recognise; and they must be wrapped in pure wool and laid on the altar or on the relics; and the priest, if he is there, or otherwise an innocent boy, as above, takes the lots one by one from the altar and asks for the one who recognises his lot. He whose lot happens to be last, must pay the fine for the killing, while the ones whose lots were picked up before are absolved. | |
2 | Si autem in prima duarum sortium missione, illam quae crucis signo notata est, sustulerit, innocentes erunt, sicut praediximus, septem qui iuraverunt, et ille, si velit, alios de eodem homicidio interpellet, et quicunque interpellatus fuerit sua duodecima manu perfectorio sacramento se debet excusare, et in hoc interpellatori sufficiat, nec ulterius ad sortem quemlibet compellere potest. | If however, at the first laying of the two lots, the one marked with the cross is picked up, the seven who swore are innocent, as said above, and he, if he wants to, accuses others for the same killing; and whoever is being accused, must excuse himself with a twelvefold oath; and this is what the accuser will have to do with, and he can force no others to the lot. | |
Haec lex, inter Laubachi et Flehum custoditur. Caeterum inter Flehum et Sincfalam fluvium pro huiusmodi causa talis est consuetudo. |
This law is observed between Lauwers and Vlie. Elsewhere between Vlie and the river Zwin [West Frisia] there is the following custom for such cases. |
3 | Is qui compositionem homicidii quaerit, in reliquiis sanctorum iuret, se non alium de hac re interpellaturum, nisi eos qui ei ipsius homicidii suspecti sint; et trunc unum, vel duos, vel etiam tres, aut quatuor, vel quotlibet fuerint, qui eum qui occisus est vulneraverunt, de homicidio interpellet. Sed quamvis viginti aut etiam triginta fuerint, non tamen amplius quam septem interpellandi sunt, et unusquisque eorum qui interpellatus est sua duodecima manu iuret, et se post sacramentum iudicio Dei examinandum ferventi aqua innocentem ostendat. Qui primus iuravit, primus ad iudicium exeat, et sic per ordinem. Qui in iudicio probatus inventus fuerit, compositionem homicidii persolvat, et ad partem regis bis weregildum suum; caeteri coniuratores sicut superius de periuris ditum est. | He, who demands the fine for manslaughter, swears on the relics of the saints, that he will accuse no other of this case, except the ones he suspects of this killing; and than he accuses one or two or even three or four or whatever number it may be, who have injured the victim, of the killing. But even if it were twenty or even thirty, no more than seven can be accused, and each one of the accused swears twelvefold and proves his innocence after the holy oath by an ordeal in boiling water. Who swears first, will undergo the ordeal first, and so forth. He who is found guilty in the ordeal, pays the fine for the killing and to the king twice his wergeld; the other oath-helpers as has been said above about perjury. | |
De eadem re inter Laubachi et Wiseram fluvium talis consuetudo est. | In the same case between Lauwers and the Weser river there is the following custom. | ||
4 | Ille qui compositionem homocidii quaerit, unum hominem interpellet, homicidam eum proximi sui vocans, et eum leudem occisi debere persolvere. Et ille si responderit et dixerit: se velle cum coniuratoribus suis sacramento se purgare, dicat ille qui homicidam eum interpellavit, se in placito publico eum interpellare velle, et ita faciat: interpellet eum in placito coram iudicibus, et ille qui interpellatus est, si negare non poterit, alium quod sibi obiectum est homicidii reum ostendat. Quod ita facere debet. | He who claims a fine for manslaughter, accuses a man, whom he calls the killer of his relative, and who must pay to him the wergeld of the victim. And if he answers and says that he wants to excuse himself with his oath-helpers through his oath, he who accused him as killer says that he wants to accuse him in a public trial, and he will do so: he accuses him in a court in front of the judges, and the accused, if he can not deny, shows another one as guilty of the manslaughter. This he must do: | |
5 | Producat hominem quem voluerit, et iuret: "Quod ille homicidii, de quo ego interpellatus sum, reus est," tenens eum per oram sagi sui. llle autem, si hoc sacramentum negare velit, iuret et contra ipsum cum armis suis in campum procedat. Et uter in ipso certamine convictus fuerit et sibi concrediderit, solvat leudem occisi. | He brings forth the man that he wants and swears: "that this man is guilty of the manslaughter of which I am being accused", while holding him by the border of his cloak. He however, if he wants to deny this oath, swears and goes with his weapons into battle against him; and he who is defeated in this battle and gives himself up, pays the wergeld of the victim. | |
6 | Si autem occisus fuerit, haeres eius proximus homicidii compositionem exsolvat. | However, if he gets killed, his closest heir pays the fine for the manslaughter. | |
7 | In hac tamen contentione licet uniquique pro se campionem mercede conducere, si eum invenire potuerit. Si campio qui mercede conductus est occisus fuerit, qui eum conduxit LX solidos, id est libras III ad partem regis componat, insuper et leudem occisi hominis exsolvat. | In this battle each party is allowed to hire a champion for money, if he can find one. If the champion, who has been hired for money, gets killed, the one who hired him pays 60 solidi, that is 3 pounds, to the king and also pays the wergeld of the victim. | 60 sh = 3 pond = 720 sp |
Et hoc eadum regione taliter observatur. | And this is being observed in the same region [between Lauwers and Weser]. | ||
Tit. XV
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De Compositionibus wergildi | On wergeld fines | |
1 | Compositio hominis nobilis, librae Xl per veteres denarios. | The fine for a noble man is 11 pounds in old pennies. | 11 pounds in old pennies = 2.640 sp |
2 | Compositio liberi, librae V et dimidia per veteres denarios. | The fine for a freeman 5 and a half pounds in old pennies. | 5 1/2 pounds in old pennies = 1.320 sp |
3 | Compositio liti, libra II et enciae IX, ex qua duae partes ad dominum pertinent, tertia ad propinquos eius. | The fine for a serf 2 pounds and 9 ounces, of which two parts come to the lord and the third to his relatives. | 2 pounds + 9 ounces = 660 sp |
4 | Compositio servi, libra I et unciae IIII et dimidia. | The fine for a slave 1 pound and 4 ounces and a half. | 1 pound + 4 1/2 ounces = 330 sp |
Inter Laubaci et Sincfalum. | Between Lauwers and Zwin. | ||
Tit. XVI
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De Fredo | On peace money | |
1 | De homicidio ad partem dominicam pro freda XXX solidi componuntur, qui solidus tribus denariis constat. | For manslaughter, 30 solidi peace money must be paid to the king, a solidus consisting of 3 denarii. | 30 GS = 90 tr = 90 sh = 1.080 sp |
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Hic Bannus est | This is the ban | |
1 | Si quis in exercitu litem concitaverit, novies damnum quod effecit componere cogatur, et ad partem dominicam novies fredam persolvat. | If someone at a military practise puts up a quarrel, he must pay nine fold the damage that he caused, and he pays to the king nine times his peace money. | 'Exercitio' may mean a military training, or actual warfare. |
2 | Qui in curte ducis, in ecclesia, aut in atrio ecclesiae hominem occiderit, novies weregildum eius componat, et novies fredam ad partem dominicam. | He who kills someone in the court of the duke, in church, or in the hall of the church, pays nine times his wergeld, and nine times his peace money to the king. | |
3 | Si quis legatum regis vel ducis occiderit, similiter novies illum componat, et fredam similiter novies ad partem dominicam. | If someone kills an envoy from the king or the duke, he also pays nine times, and also nine times the peace money to the king. | |
4 | Qui manu collecta hostiliter villam vel domum alterius circumdederit, ille qui caeteros collegit et adduxit weregildum ad partem regis componat, et qui eum secuti sunt, unusquisque solidos XII, et ei cui damnum, si etiam damnum illatum est, in duplo emendetur. | If a group of enemies encircle the house of another, the one who brought the others together and instigated them pays his wergeld to the king, and those who followed him, 12 solidi; each; and the one to whom damage was done, if there is any damage, will be compensated twice. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
Ultra Laubachi vero in simplo. | On the other side of the Lauwers only once. | ||
5 | Qui mancipium in paganas gentes vendiderit, weregildum suum ad partem regis solvere cogatur. | He who sells a slave to pagan people, must pay his wergeld to the king. | |
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De die Dominico | On the day of the Lord | |
1 | Qui opus servile die dominico fecerit, ultra Laubachi solidos XII, in caeteris locis Fresiae IIII solidos culpabilis iudicetur. | He who does a serf's job on the day of the Lord, will be judged guilty for 12 solidi on the other side of the Lauwers, and for 4 solidi in other Frisian places. |
12 sh = 144 sp 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp It is possible that the fine on the other side of the Lauwers (East Frisia) was not expressed in shillings, but in golden solidi. In that case, the fine would be three times higher than elsewhere in Frisia. See also IIII: 7. |
2 | Si servus hoc fecerit, vapuletur, aut dominus eius IIII solidos pro illo componat. | If a slave does so, he will be caned, or his lord pays 4 solidi for him. | 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
Tit. XIX
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De Parricidiis | On killing relatives | |
1 | Si quis patrem suum occiderit, perdat hereditatem, quae ad eum pertinere debebat. | If someone kills his father, he looses the heritage that would be his due. | |
2 | Si quis fratrem suum occiderit, solvat eum proximo heredi, sive filium aut filiam habuerit, aut si neuter horum fuerit, solvat patri suo vel matri suae vel fratri vel etiam sorori suae; quod si nec una de his personis fuerit, solvat eum ad partem regis. | If someone kills his brother, he pays for him to his closest heirs if he had a son or daughter, or, if he did not, he pays his father or his mother or his brother or also his sister; if there is none of these persons, he pays for him to the king. | |
Tit. XX
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De mordrito | On murder | |
1 | Qui obsidem occiderit, novies eum componat. | He who kills a hostage, pays nine fold for him. | |
2 | Si quis hominem occiderit et absconderit, quod mordritum vocant, novem weregildos componat, aut si negaverit, cum XXXV iuret. | If someone kills a man and hides him, which is called murder, he pays nine wergelds; or if he denies, he swears with 35. | |
3 | Si servus dominum suum interfecerit, tormentis interficiatur; similiter et litus. | If a slave kills his lord, he suffers death by torture; the same for a serf. | |
Tit. XXI
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De Plagio | On kidnapping | |
1 | Si quis hominem, vel nobilis nobilem aut liberum, vel liber liberum, vel liber nobilem extra patriam vendiderit, componat eum ac si ab ipso fuisset interfectus, aut eum ab exilio revocare studeat; si vero, qui venditus fuit, reversus fuerit, et eum qui se vendiderat, de facinore convenerit, componat ei bis iuxta quod fuerat adpretiatus, et solidos XII ad partem regis componat. | If someone sells a man abroad, be it a noble man selling a noble man or freeman, or a freeman a freeman, or a freeman a noble man, he pays for him, as if he had killed him, or he attempts to get him back from his exile. If however the one who was sold comes back, and addresses [accuses] the one who sold him about the crime, he [the seller] pays to him [who was sold] twice his worth, and pays 12 solidi to the king. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
Ultra Laubachi vero weregildum suum. | On the other side of the Lauwers though, his wergeld. | ||
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De Dolg | On wounds | |
1 | Si quis alium per iram in capite percusserit, ut eum surdum efficiat, XXIIII solidos componat. | If anyone hits another on the head in anger, and thus makes him deaf, he pays 24 solidi. | 24 GS = 72 sh = 864 sp |
2 | Si mutus efficiatur, sed tamen audire possit, XVIII solidos componat. | If he is made mute, but still can hear, he [the offender] pays 18 solidi. | 18 GS = 54 sh = 648 sp |
3 | Si quis alium ita percusserit, quod durslegi vocant, dimidium solidum componat. | If anyone hits another, in a way which is called a durslegi [bruise blow], he pays half a solidus. | 1/2 GS = 1 1/2 sh = 18 sp |
4 | Si autem sanguinem fuderit, componat solidum I. | However if he sheds blood, he pays 1 solidus. | 1 GS = 3 sh = 36 sp |
5 | Si eum percusserit ut testa appareat, cum duobus solidis componat. | If he hits him so hard, that his skull is exposed, he pays 2 solidi. | 2 GS = 6 sch= 72 sp |
6 | Si os perforatum fuerit, duodecim solidos componat. | If the bone is broken, he pays 12 solidi. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
7 | Si membranam, qua cerebrum continetur, gladius tetigerit, XVIII solidos componat. | If the sword touches the membrane, that covers the brain, he pays 18 solidi. | 18 GS = 54 sh = 648 sp |
8 | Si ipsa membrana rupta fuerit, ita ut cerebrum exire possit, XXIIII solidos componat. | If this membrane is being torn, and the brain can come out, he pays 24 solidi. | 24 GS = 72 sh = 864 sp |
9 | Si quis alteri aurem absciderit, XII solidos componat. | If anyone chops off another's ear, he pays 12 solidi. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
10 | Si nasum absciderit, XXIIII solidos componat. | If he chops off the nose, he pays 24 solidi. | 24 GS = 72 sh = 864 sp |
11 | Si summam rugam frontis quis ictu transversam inciderit, duobus solidis componat. | If anyone with a blow cuts right trough the upper wrinkle in the forehead, he pays 2 solidi. | 2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp |
12 | Si subteriorem inciderit, IIII solidis componat. | If he cuts through the lower [wrinkle], he pays 4 solidi. | 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
13 | Si tertiam, quae iuxta oculos est, duobus solidis componat. | If it is the third, which is closest to the eyes, he pays 2 solidi. | 2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp |
14 | Si supercilium inciderit, duobus solidis componat. | Als If he cuts through the eyebrow, he pays 2 solidi. | 2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp |
15 | Si palpebram, aut superiorem aut subteriorem, vulneraverit, duobus solidis componat. | If he wounds the eyelid, either the upper or the lower, he pays 2 solidi. | 2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp |
16 | Si nasum transpunxerit, XV solidis componat. | If he pierces through the nose, he pays 15 solidi. | 15 GS = 45 sh = 540 sp |
17 | Si granonem ictu percussam praeciderit, duobus solidis componat. | If he hits and cuts off the moustache, he pays 2 solidi. | 2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp |
18 | Si maxillam inciderit, VI solidis componat. | If he hacks through the lower jaw, he pays 6 solidi. | 6 GS = 18 sh = 216 sp |
19 | Si unum dentem de anterioribus excusserit, duobus solidis componat. | If he kicks out a front tooth, he pays 2 solidi. | 2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp |
20 | Si unum ex angularibus dentibus excusserit, tribus solidos componat. | If he kicks out an eye-tooth, he pays 3 solidi. | 3 GS = 9 sh = 108 sp |
21 | Si de molaribus unum excusserit, IIII solidis componat. |
If he kicks out a molar, he pays 4 solidi. |
4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
22 | Si iugulum incisum fuerit, IIII solidis componat. | If the collar bone is being cut through, he pays 4 solidi. | 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
23 | Si costam transversam inciderit, XII solidis componat. | If he cuts right through a rib, he pays 12 solidi. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
24 | Si brachium ictu supra cubitum confractum fuerit, XII solidis componat. | If the arm is broken by a blow above the elbow, he pays 12 solidi. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
25 | Si infra cubitum unum ossium confractum fuerit, VI solidis componat. | If below the elbow one of the bones is broken, he pays 6 solidi. | 6 GS = 18 sh = 216 sp |
26 | Si utraque ossa fracta fuerint, XII solidis componat. | If both bones are broken, he pays 12 solidi. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
27 | Si manus in ipsa iunctura qua brachio adhaeret abscissa fuerit, XLV solidis componat. | If the hand in the joint, which connects it to the arm, is chopped off, he pays 45 solidi. | 45 GS = 135 sh = 1.620 sp |
28 | Si pollicem absciderit, XIII solidis et uno tremisse componat. | If he chops off the thumb, he pays 13 solidi and a tremisse. | 13 GS and 1 tr = 40 sh = 480 sp |
29 | Si indicem absciderit, VII solidis componat. | If he chops off the index finger, he pays 7 solidi. | 7 GS = 21 sh = 252 sp |
30 | Si medium absciderit, uno tremisse minus VII solidis componat. | If he chops off the middle finger, he pays 7 solidi minus a tremisse. | 7 GS minus 1 tr = 20 sh = 240 sp |
31 | Si annularem absciderit, VIII solidis componat. | If he chops off the ring finger, he pays 8 solidi. | 8 GS = 24 sh = 288 sp |
32 | Si minimum absciderit, VI solidis componat. | If he chops off the little finger, he pays 6 solidi. | 6 GS = 18 sh = 216 sp |
33 | Si totos V digitos absciderit, XLI solidis componat. | If he chops off all 5 fingers, he pays 41 solidi. | 41 GS = 123 sh = 1.476 sp |
34 | Palma manus abscissa, IIII solidis componatur. | The palm of the hand cut off is fined with 4 solidi. | 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
35 | Si quislibet digitus ex quatuor longioribus in superioris articuli iunctura ita percussus fuerit, ut humor ex vulnere decurrat, quod lidu wagi dicunt, uno solido componatur. | If one of the four longer fingers is hit on the knuckle so hard that fluid runs from the wound, which is called lidu wagi [phalanx water], 1 solidus must be paid. | 1 GS = 3 sh = 36 sp |
36 | Si in subteriori articulo hoc contigerit, duobus solidis componatur. | If the next knuckle is hit, 2 solidi must be paid. | 2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp |
37 | Si in tertio articulo fuerit, tribus solidis componatur. | If it is the third knuckle 3 solidi must be paid. | 3 GS = 9 sh = 108 sp |
38 | Si in iunctura manus et brachii hoc evenerit, quatuor solidis componatur. | If this happens at the joint between arm and hand, 4 solidi must be paid. | 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
39 | Si in cubito idem evenerit, IIII solidis componatur. | If the same happens at the elbow, 4 solidi must be paid. | 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
40 | Si in summitate, qua brachium scapulae iungitur, evenerit, IIII solidis componatur. | If this happens at the top [joint], where the arm joins the shoulder, 4 solidi must be paid. | 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
41 | Si in pollicis superioris articuli iunctura fuerit, duobus solidis componatur. | If it is at the top knuckle of the thumb, 2 solidi must be paid. | 2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp |
42 | Si in inferiori, tribus solidis componatur. | If it is the lowest [knuckle of the thumb], 2 solidi must be paid. | 2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp |
43 | Si ad iuncturam brachii et pollicis fuerit, IIII solidi componatur. | If it is the joint between arm and thumb, 4 solidi must be paid. | 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
44 | Si in cubito IIII, si in iunctura scapulae similiter IIII solidis componatur. | If it is at the elbow, 4 solidi must be paid, and at the shoulder joint, also 4. | 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
45 | Si quis oculum alterius ita percusserit, ut eo ulteriu videre non possit, XX solidos et duos tremisses componat. | If anyone hits the eye of another, so that he cannot see anymore, he pays 20 solidi and 2 tremisses. | 20 GS + 2 tr = 62 sh = 744 sp |
46 | Si totum oculum eruerit, medietatem weregildi sui componat. | If he tears out the whole eye, he pays half his wergeld. | |
47 | Si quis alium pectus foraverit, XII solidos componat. | If anyone pierces another's chest, he pays 12 solidi. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
48 | Si praecordia, id est herthamon, gladio tetigerit, XVIII solidos componat. | If his sword touches the pericardium, which is herthamon, he pays 18 solidi. |
18 GS = 54 sh = 648 sp
The term 'praecordium' can refer to (any organ inside) the chest or abdomen. This article specifically refers to the pericardium (hearth membrane). Other organs are mentioned separately below. |
49 | Si praecordia perforaverit, XXIIII solidos componat. | If he pierces the pericardium, he pays 24 solidi. | 24 GS = 72 sh = 864 sp |
50 | Si membranam qua iecor et splen pendent, quod mithridri dicunt, vulneraverit, XVIII solidos componat. | If he wounds the membrane, which holds liver and spleen, which is called mithridri [midriff], he pays 18 solidi. | 18 GS = 54 sh = 648 sp |
51 | Si illud perforaverit, XXIIII solidos componat. | If he pierces this, he pays 24 solidi. | 24 GS = 72 sh = 864 sp |
52 | Si in ventrem vulneraverit, XII solidos componat. | If he wounds the abdomen, he pays 12 solidi. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
53 | Si botellum vulneraverit XVIII, si perforaverit XXIIII solidos componat. | If he wounds the intestines, he pays 18 solidi, and if he pierces them, 24. |
18 GS = 54 sh = 648 sp 24 GS = 72 sh = 864 sp |
54 | Si contra stomachum vulneraverit, XII solidos componat. | If he injures up to the stomach, he pays 12 solidi. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
55 | Si stomachum tetigerit gladio, ut vulneretur, XVIII; si perforatus fuerit, XXIIII solidos componat. | If his sword touches the stomach, and injures it, he pays 18 solidi; if it is being pierced, 24. |
18 GS = 54 sh = 648 sp 24 GS = 72 sh = 864 sp |
56 | Si botellus de vulnere processerit, et iterum interius remittitur, IIII solidis supra compositionem vulneris componatur; si de adipe aliquid processerit ut praecidatur IIII solidis componatur. | If the intestines come out through the wound and are pushed back in again, it is fined with 4 additional solidi to the fine for the wound; if some of the fat comes out, and is cut off, 4 solidi must be paid. |
4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
57 | Si veretrum quis alium absciderit, weregildum suum componat. | If anyone cuts off another man's penis, he pays his [the victim's] wergeld. | |
58 | Si unum testiculum excesserit, dimidium weregildum, si ambo, totum componat. | If he kicks out a testicle, he pays half the wergeld, for both testicles the full wergeld. | |
59 | Si testiculus exierit per vulnus, et iterum remittitur in locum suum, VI solidis supra compositionem vulneris componatur. | If a testicle comes out through the wound and is pushed back in place, it is fined with 6 solidi in addition to the fine for the wound. | 6 GS = 18 sh = 216 sp |
60 | Si coxam supra genu vulneraverit, et os transversum fregerit vel praeciderit, XII solidos componat. | If he wounds the hip above the knee and breaks or chops off the bone, he pays 12 solidi. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
61 | Si tibia subtus genuculo media incisa fuerit, VI solidis, si tota, XII solidis componatur. | AIf the shin bone below the knee is cut through half, it is fined with 6 solidi, if it is fully cut through, with 12. |
6 GS = 18 sh = 216 sp 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
62 | Si pes totus abscissus fuerit, XLV solidis componatur. | If the foot is completely chopped off, it is fined with 45 solidi. | 45 GS = 135 sh = 1.620 sp |
63 | Si pollicem pedis absciderit, VIII solidos componat si proximum digitum VII, si tertium VI, si quartum V, si quintum IIII solidos componat; reliqua pars pedis, quae inter tibiam et digitos est, XV solidis componatur. | If he chops off the large toe, he pays 8 solidi. If it is the next toe, he is fined with 7 solidi, and at the third, 6, at the fourth, 5, at the fifth, 4. The remaining part of the foot, which is between shin bone and toes, is fined with 15 solidi. |
8 GS = 24 sh = 288 sp 7 GS = 21 sh = 252 sp 6 GS = 18 sh = 216 sp 5 GS = 15 sh = 180 sp 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp 15 GS = 45 sh = 540 sp |
64 | Si humor per articulos digitorum decurrerit, sicut superius de manu scriptum est, ita et in pede componatur. | If fluid runs from the knuckles of the toes, the foot will be fined similar to what has been described above for the hand. | |
65 | Si quis alium iratus per capillos comprehenderit, duobus solidis componat, et pro freda IIII solidis ad partem regis. | If anyone grabs another by the hair in anger, he pays 2 solidi, and as peace money 4 solidi to the king. |
2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
66 | Vulnus quod longitudinem habeat quantum inter pollicem et complicati indicis articulum spannum impleat, IIII solidis componatur; quod integrae spannae longitudinem habuerit, hoc est quantum index et pollex extendi possunt, VI solidis componatur. | A wound as long as [the distance]; between thumb and the knuckle of the bent index finger but not the spanne, is fined with 4 solidi; one as long as the total spanne, that is as far as the index finger and the thumb can be extended, is fined with 6 solidi. |
4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp 6 GS = 18 sh = 216 sp |
67 | Quod inter pollicem et medii digiti spannum longum fuerit, VIII solidis componatur. | [A wound] which is as long as a spanne between thumb and index finger, is fined with 8 solidi. | 8 GS = 24 sh = 288 sp |
68 | Quod a cubito usque ad iuncturam manus longitudne fuerit, duodecim solidis. | One of the length between elbow and hand joint, with 12 solidi. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
69 | Quod a cubito usque ad summitatem pollicis longum fuerit, XVIII solidis componatur. | One of the length between elbow and the tip of the thumb, is fined with 18 solidi. | 18 GS = 54 sh = 648 sp |
70 | Quod pleni cubiti, id est ad summos digitos manus extensae, longitudine fuerit, XXIIII solidis componatur; quod supra est, non componitur. | One as long as the whole elbow, that is up to the fingertips of the extended hand, is fined with 24 solidi; what exceeds this, is not fined. | 24 GS = 72 sh = 864 sp |
71 | Si de vulnere os exierit tantae magnitudinis, ut iactum in scutum trans publicam viam sonitus eius audiri possit, IIII solidis componatur. | If a bone comes out of the wound that is so big, that when is it thrown over the public road onto a shield one can hear the sound of it, it is fined with 4 solidi. |
4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp
Lex Alamannorum and Lex Ribuaria contain similar rules, with the addition that the road must have a certain width (24 or 12 ft)(Eckhardt & Eckhard, 1982, p 77 - 78). See also XXII: 74 and Add. III: 24. |
72 | Si duo ossa exierint, duo solidi adiiciantur, id est VI. | If two bones come out, 2 solidi must be added, which makes 6. | 6 GS = 18 sh = 216 sp |
73 | Si tria exierint, unus solidus adiicitur. | If three come out, 1 solidus is added. | 1 GS = 3 sh = 36 sp |
74 | Si minora fuerint, quam ut in scuto iacta trans publicam viam audiri possint, dimidio minore compositione solvatur. | If they are smaller, so they are not audible when thrown over the public road on a shield, the fine is diminished by half. | See XXII: 71. |
75 | Vulnera tria, vel quatuor, vel eo amplius uno ictu facta mensurantur, et iuxta quod eorum fuerit longitudo, compositio persolvatur; si vero tria, vel quatuor, vel quotlibet vulnera totidem ictibus fuerint facta, quod ex his maximum fuerit, iuxta sui longitudinem componatur, caetera vero remaneant. | Three wounds or four or even more that have been made with one single thrust are measured, and according to the longest a fine must be paid. If however three or four or any number of wounds have been made by just as many thrusts, the longest is fined according to its length; the others however are omitted. | |
76 | Si manus percussa manca pependerit, dimidio componatur, quo debuit si fuisset abscissa; pes similiter; digitus similiter, qualiscunque fuerit; digitus pedis similiter. | If the hand that has been hit hangs off limp, it is fined with half the fine had it been chopped off; likewise for the foot; likewise for the finger, in whatever condition; likewise for the toe. | |
77 | Si brachium iuxta scapulam abscissum fuerit, L tribus solidis et tremisse componatur. | If the arm is chopped off at the shoulder, it is fined with 53 solidi and a tremisse. | 53 GS + 1 tr = 160 sh = 1.920 sp |
78 | Si brachium mancum pependerit, medietate, si abscissum fuisset componatur. | If the arm hangs off limp, it is fined with half the fine had it been chopped off. | |
79 | Si quid de brachio atque manu, ita de coxa ac pede iudicatum est. | As with arm and hand, likewise has been judged with hip and foot. | |
80 | Si per vulnus pulmo exeat, quatuor solidi supra quanititatem vulneris componantur. | If the lung comes out through the wound, 4 solidi must be paid in addition to to the size of the wound. | 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
81 | Si spiritus per ipsum vulnus exierit, VIII solidis componatur. | If breath comes out through this wound, it is fined with 8 solidi. | 8 GS = 24 sh = 288 sp |
82 | Qui libero homini manus iniecerit, et eum innocentem ligaverit, XV solidos componat, et duodecim solidos pro freda ad partem regis componat. | He who arrests a free man and binds him innocently, pays 15 solidi, and he pays 12 solidi as peace money to the king. |
15 GS = 45 sh = 540 sp 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
83 | Si quis alium iuxta aquam stantem impinxerit, et in aquam, ita ut submergatur, proiecerit, IIII solidos componat, et pro freda solidos II. | If anyone pushes another who is standing by the water and throws him into the water, and he submerges, he pays 4 solidi, and as peace money 2 solidi. |
4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp 2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp |
84 | Si quis brachium vel coxam alterius transpunxerit, VI solidos componat. | If anyone pierces the arm or hip of another, he pays 6 solidi. | 6 GS = 18 sh = 216 sp |
85 | Qui maxillas utrasque cum lingua sagitta vel quolibet telo transfixerit, XV solidos componat. | He who pierces both jaws and the tongue with an arrow or another projectile, pays 15 solidi. | 15 GS = 45 sh = 540 sp |
86 | Qui utramque coxam cum folliculo testium telo traiecerit, similiter XV solidos componat. | He who pierces both hips and the scrotum, also pays 15 solidi. | 15 GS = 45 sh = 540 sp |
87 | Si quis hominem casu quolibet in aquam prolapsum liberaverit, IIII solidorum remunerationem accipiat. | If anyone rescues a man who by some coincidence had fallen into the water, he receives a reward of 4 solidi. | 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
89 | Si quis liberam foeminam, et non suam, per mamillam strinxerit, duobus solidis componat IIII, et duos solidos pro freda. | If anyone touches the breasts of a free woman, who is not his own, he pays twice 4 solidi and 2 solidi as peace money. |
8 GS = 24 sh = 288 sp 2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp Eckhardt & Eckhardt (1982, p 78) say that this should be 'IIII solidis componat', which is once 4 solidi, but they give no reason why. Article number 88 fails. |
90 | Si per verenda eius comprehenderit, IIII solidis componat et duos solidos pro freda. | If he grabs her genitals, he pays 4 solidi and 2 solidi as peace money. |
4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp 2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp |
Epilogus | Epilogue | ||
Haec omnia ad liberum hominem pertinent. Nobilis vero hominis compositio, sive in vulneribus et percussionibus, et in omnibus quae superius scripta sunt, tertia parte maior efficitur. Liti vero compositio, sive in vulneribus, sive in percussionibus, sive in mancationibus et in omnibus superius descriptis, medietate minor est, quam liberi hominis. |
All this concerns a free man. However, the fines for [wounds inflicted upon] a noble man, be it for wounds and for hits and for all that has been described above, will be established at a third part [with 50%] more. However, the fines for [wounds inflicted upon] a serf, be it for wounds and for hits and for paralysation, and for all that has been described above, are one half lower than those for a free man. |
Additio sapientum VVlemarus |
Additions of the wise men Wlemar |
Tit. I
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De Pace Faidosi | On the freedom of those who are at feud | |
1 | Homo faidosus pacem habeat in ecclesia, in domo sua, ad ecclesiam eundo, de ecclesia redeundo, ad placitum eundo, de placito redeundo. Qui hanc pacem effregerit, et hominem occiderit, novies XXX solidos componat. | A man who is at feud, has peace in the church, in his house, on the way to the church, returning from the church, on the way to court, returning from court. He who breaks this peace and kills the man, pays nine times 30 solidi. |
9 x 30 GS = 9 x 90 sh = 9 x 1.080 sp
Presumably, this multiplication by nine is not a monetary conversion, but an aggravation ordered by the Frankish king. |
2 | Si vulneraverit, novies XII solidos componat ad partem regis. | He who injures him, pays nine times 12 solidi to the king. | 9 x 12 GS = 9 x 36 sh = 9 x 432 sp |
3 | Si quis caballum furaverit aut bovem, aut screonam effregerit, capitali sententia puniatur, vel vitam suam pretio redimat. | If anyone steals a horse or a cow, or breaks down a screona [weaver's hut], he is punished by death, or he redeems his life with its value. | |
Tit. II
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Compositio Vulnerum | Fines for wounds | |
1 | Si quis alteri manum absciderit, XXV solidos et V denarios componat. | If anyone chops off the hand of another, he pays [twice] 25 solidi and 5 denarii. |
25 GS + 5 tr = 80 sh = 960 sp or 53 GS + 1 tr = 160 sh = 1920 sp Both Siems (1980, p 225) and Eckhardt & Eckhardt (1982, p 81) assume that the amount of 25 solidi and 5 denarii should be doubled to reach the sum of the separate parts of the hand (see below). |
2 | Si indicem ad inium membrum praeciderit, VI solidos componat. | If he cuts off the index finger at the lowest phalanx, he pays 6 solidi. | 6 GS = 18 sh = 216 sp |
3 | Si medium in eadem iunctura praeciderit, IIII solidos et dimidium. | If he cuts off the middle finger at the same phalanx, 4 solidi and a half. | 4 1/2 GS = 13 1/2 sh = 162 sp |
4 | Si annularem, VII solidos; si minimus fuerit, solidos V. | If it is the ring finger, 7 solidi; if it is the little finger, 5 solidi. |
7 GS = 21 sh = 252 sp 5 GS = 15 sh = 180 sp |
5 | Pollex ex toto abscissus sic componitur, sicut IIII digiti si omnes abscindantur, id est solidis XXII et dimidio. | The thumb chopped off completely, is fined like 4 fingers chopped off, that is with 22 solidi and a half. | 22 1/2 GS = 67 1/2 sh = 810 sp |
6 | Abscissio palmae IIII solidis componatur; si manus abscissa terram cadens tetigerit, ipse casus IIII solidis componatur. | Cutting off the palm of the hand is fined with 4 solidi; if the falling hand touches the earth, this is fined with 4 solidi. |
4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
7 | Si digitus quilibet superiori articulo praecisus fuerit, tertia portio compositionis eius exsolvatur. | If a finger is cut off at the upper knuckle, one third of these fines is paid. | |
8 | Si in subteriori praecisus fuerit, duae partes compositionis solvantur. | If it is cut off at the lower knuckle, two [third] parts of the fine must be paid. | |
9 | Si in ima iunctura, id est ex toto abscisus fuerit, tota solutio componatur. | If it is chopped off at the lowest joint, which is completely, the full fine must be paid. | |
10 | Si non praecisus, sed debilitatus et inutilis pependerit, medietas. | If it is not cut off, but hangs off lamed and useless, half [the fine]. | |
Tit. III
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Hoc totum in triplo componatur | All this will be fined threefold | Herold inserted the sentence 'Hoc totum in triplo componatur' as a Title, but in the original Lex it was probably an annotation written in the margin, next to Add. II and the first articles of Add. III. Thus, Add. II and Add. III would actually be one Title. This would explain why another Title III follows below (Siems, 1980, p 138; however, se also Henstra, 1999, p.282). |
1 | Pes ex toto abscissus componatur ut manus, id est tribus et L solidis et tremisse. | The foot chopped off completely, is fined like the hand, that is with 53 solidi and a tremisse. | 53 1/3 GS = 160 sh = 1.920 sp |
2 | Pollex pedis undecim solidis et quarta parte solidi componatur. | The big toe is fined with 11 solidi and a quarter solidus. | 11 1/4 GS = 33 3/4 sh = 405 sp |
3 | Proximus digitus pollici tribus solidis componatur. | The toe next to the big toe is fined with 3 solidi. | 3 GS = 9 sh = 108 sp |
4 | Secundus duobus solidis et duabus partibus solidi componatur; tertius similiter; quartus similiter. | The second [toe] is fined with 2 solidi and 2 parts of a solidus; the third also; the fourth also. | 2 2/3 GS = 8 sh = 96 sp |
5 | Si tertia pars digiti fuerit abscissa, tertia pars solutionis componatur. | If one third of a toe is chopped off, one third of the fine must be paid. | |
6 | Si duae partes, similiter duae partes componantur. | In case of two parts, also two parts must be paid. | |
7 | Si totus, tota solutio componatur. | If it is the whole toe, the full fine must be paid. | |
8 | Si quis alium ita in caput percusserit, ut surdus et mutus efficiatur, ter L tribus solidis et tremisse componat. Si alterum et non utrumque fuerit, medietas mulctae componatur. | If anyone hits another on the head, and thus makes him deaf and mute, he pays three times 53 solidi and a tremisse. If it is only one and not the other, half the fine must be paid. | 160 sh = 1.920 sp |
9 | Si auris ex toto abscissa fuerit, ter XII solidis componatur. | If the ear is chopped of completely, three times 12 solidi must be paid. | 36 sh = 432 sp |
10 | Si nasus abscissus fuerit, ter XX solidos et tremissem componat. | If the nose is chopped off, three times 20 solidi and a tremisse are paid. | 61 sh = 732 sp |
11 | Si nasus una parte perforatus fuerit, ter IIII solidis componatur. | If the nose is being perforated at one side, three times 4 solidi must be paid. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
12 | Si et cartilago perforata fuerit, ter VIII solidi componantur. | If the septum is also perforated, three times 8 solidi must be paid. | 24 sh = 288 sp |
13 | Si etiam ex altera parte telum exierit, ita ut tria foramina facta sint, ter XII solidi componantur. | If the arrow comes out on the other side, and thus three holes have been made, three times 12 solidi must be paid. | 36 sh = 432 sp |
14 | Si maxilla perforata fuerit, ter IIII solidis componatur. | If the jaw is pierced, three times 4 solidi are paid. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
15 | Si supercilium in transversum praecisum fuerit, ter IIII solidis componatur. | If the eyebrow is cut through, three times 4 solidi are paid. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
16 | Si ex percussione deformitas faciei illata fuerit, quae de XII pedum longitudine possit agnosci, quod wlitiwam dicunt, ter IIII solidis componatur. | If a blow causes a mutilation of the face, which can be seen from a distance of 12 feet, which is called vuilitivam [face mutilation], three times 4 solidi are paid. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
17 | Si granones praecisi fuerint, ter IIII solidis componatur. | If the moustache is cut off, three times 4 solidi are paid. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
18 | Si oculus vel os ita percussa fuerint, ut torqueantur, ter IIII solidis componatur. | If the eye or the mouth are hit so hard, that they get bruised, three times 4 solidi are paid. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
19 | Si palpebra praecisa fuerit, ter IIII solidi componantur. | If the eyelid is cut off, three times 4 solidi must be paid. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
20 | Rugae frontis tres, si in transversum incisae fuerint, ter XII solidi componantur. | If three wrinkles in the forehead are cut straight trough, three times 12 solidi must be paid. | 36 sh = 432 sp |
21 | Si una, ter IIII solidi. | If it is one [wrinkle], three times 4 solidi. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
22 | Si homo ab alio ita in caput percussus fuerit, ut nec frigus nec calorem pro vulneris impatientia sufferre possit, ter IIII solidi componantur. | If a man is hit on the head by another man, and through the sensitivity of the wound he can endure neither cold nor heat, three times 4 solidi must be paid. |
12 sh = 144 sp
According to the Frühmittellateinisches Rechtswörterbuch, the translation of 'impatientia' is 'Empfindungslosigkeit' (lack of feeling). However, according to Eckhardt & Eckhardt (1982, p 85) it is 'Empfindlichkeit' (sensitivity). In the present context, the latter seems more likely. |
23 | Si quis alium in caput ita percusserit, ut testa perforetur, ter XII solidis componat. | If anyone hits another on the head so hard, that the skull breaks, he pays three times 12 solidi. | 36 sh = 432 sp |
24 | Si ossa de vulnere exierint tantae magnitudinis, ut in scutum iactum, XII pedum spatio distante homine, possit audiri, unum ter IIII solidis componatur, aliud ter duobus, tertium ter uno solido. | If from the wound pieces of bone protrude of such a size, that if they are thrown on a shield, a man at a distance of 12 feet can hear it, [for one piece] three times 4 solidi must be paid, for another [piece] three times 2, and for a third [piece] three times 1 solidus. |
12 sh = 144 sp 6 sh = 72 sp 3 sh = 36 sp See XXII: 71. |
25 | Si quis alium percusserit, ut ferrum in osse figatur, ter tribus solidis componat. | If anyone hits another so, that the iron [sword] sticks in the bone, he pays three times 3 solidi. | 9 sh = 108 sp |
26 | Si os apparuerit, non tamen incisum fuerit, ter solido et tremisse componat. | If the bone is visible, but has not been incised, he pays three times 1 solidus and a tremisse. | 4 sh = 48 sp |
27 | Os quodcunque ferro praecisum fuerit, ter IIII solidis componatur. | If a bone is chopped off by the iron [sword], it is fined with three times 4 solidi. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
28 | Costa si praecisa fuerit, ter tribus solidis componatur. | If a rib is chopped off, it is fined with three times 3 solidi. | 9 sh = 108 sp |
29 | Si non praecisa, sed incisa vel confixa fuerit, ter solido et semisse componatur. | If it [the rib] is not chopped off, but incised or bruised, it is fined with three times 1 solidus and a semisse. | 4 1/2 sh = 54 sp |
30 | Si quis alium trans costam ita percusserit, ut vulnus ad interiora venerit, ter XII solidos componat. | If anyone hits another between the ribs so, that the wound reaches to the entrails, he pays three times 12 solidi. | 36 sh = 432 sp |
31 | Si stomachus vel botellus perforatus fuerit, ita ut stercus per vulnus exierit, ter XXIIII solidis componatur. | If the stomach or the intestines are pierced, so that stercus [filth, the contents of the entrails] runs from the wound, it is fined with three times 24 solidi. | 72 sh = 864 sp |
32 | Si quis in iunctura membrum cuiuslibet ita percusserit, ut humor ex vulnere decurrat, quem liduwagi dicunt, ter IIII solidos componat. | If anyone hits a limb of another man so hard that fluid runs from the wound, wich is called liduwagi [phalanx water], he pays three times 4 solidi. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
33 | Si quis alium ita percusserit, ut osse inciso medulla decurrat, ter IIII solidos componat. | If anyone hits another so hard, that marrow runs from the bone, he pays three times 4 solidi. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
34 | Si quis alium vulneraverit, et ipsum vulnus sanatum cicatricem depressam et non reliquae carni aequam duxerit, qaod sipido dicunt, ter IIII solidos componat. | If anyone injures another, and this wound, after it has healed, leaves a sunken scar which does not resemble the surrounding flesh, which is called a sipido [scar], he pays three times 4 solidi. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
35 | Si brachium aut crus percussum fuerit, et ex ipsa percussione decrescerit a sua grossitudine, quam prius habuerit, quod smelido dicunt, ter IIII solidis componatur. | If an arm or lower leg gets hit and as a consequence the width, that it used to have, diminishes, which is called smelido [emaciation], it is fined with three times 4 solidi. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
36 | Qui de anterioribus dentibus unum excusserit, ter duos solidos componat. | He who kicks out one of the front theeth, pays three times 2 solidi. | 6 sh = 72 sp |
37 | Si de angularubis, ter III solidos componat. | If it is one of the eye-teeth, he is fined with three times 3 solidi. | 9 sh = 108 sp |
38 | Si de molaribus, ter IIII solidos. | If it is one of the molars, three times 4 solidi. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
39 | Si quis crinem alteri de capite abstraxerit, ter IIII solidos componat. | If anyone pulls another man's hair from his head, he pays three times 4 solidi. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
40 | Si illum per capillos comprehenderit, similiter ter IIII solidos componat. | If he grabs the other by the hair, he also pays three times 4 solidi. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
41 | Qui alium in aquam impinxerit, ita ut mergatur, ter IIII solidos componat. | He who pushes another into the water, and he submerges, pays three times 4 solidi. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
42 | Qui alium fuste percusserit, ut lividum fiat, ter solidum et semissem componat. | He who kicks another with a cudgel, causing a bruise, pays three times 1 solidus and a semisse. | 4 1/2 sh = 54 sp |
43 | Si tantum sanguinem dimiserit, ter solidum componat. | If he merely looses blood, he pays 3 solidi. | 9 sh = 108 sp |
44 | Si quis alium unguibus crataverit, ut non sanguis sed humor aquosa decurrat, quod cladolg vocant, ter X denarios Fresionicis componat. | If anyone scratches another, causing not blood, but a watery fluid to run from the wound, which is called cladolg [scratch wound], he pays three times 10 Frisian denarii. |
10 Frisian pennies = 10 sp
Presumably, the insertion of the word 'ter' (= three times) in this place is an error, due to repetition routine from the previous texts. Frisian pennies were already in silver and did not have to be converted. |
45 | Si quis alium in tergum aut pectus ita vulneraverit, ut vulnus sanari non possit, sed per fistulas sanies decurrat, ter XII solidos componat. | If anyone injures another at the chest or the back, causing a wound that does not heal, but pus runs from sores, he pays three times 12 solidi. | 36 sh = 432 sp |
46 | Quodcunque membrum percussum ita debilitatum fuerit, ut ibi inutile pendeat, medietate componatur, qua componi debuit, si penitus fuisset abscissum. | If a limb is being hit so hard that it is paralysed, and hangs off unusable, it is fined with half of what would have been paid, had it been chopped off completely. | |
47 | Si quis oculum excusserit, ter XL solidis componat. | If anyone kicks out an eye, he pays three times 40 solidi. | 120 sh = 1.440 sp |
48 | Si non oculum excusserit, sed pupillos, ter XX solidos componat. | If he does not kick out the eye, but the pupil, he pays three times 20 solidi. | 60 sh = 720 sp |
49 | Si quis alii duo, aut tria, aut eo amplius vulnera uno ictu intulerit, et negare voluerit, quod uno ictu tot vulnera fecisset, liceat ei, qui vulneratus est, sua solius manu sacramentum peragere, quod tot vulnera uno icta ei fuissent illata, et componatur iuxta quod vulneris fuerit magnitudo; unum quodque vulnus secundum suam longitudinem componendum est. | If anyone causes two or three or even more wounds with one single blow, and wants to deny, that one single blow caused all these wounds, then the one who has been injured, is allowed to swear the oath single handed, that so many wounds were inflicted on him with one single blow, and they will be fined according to the size of the wounds; each single wound will be fined according to its size. | |
50 | Si longum fuerit, quantum summus articulus indicis est, (ter) uno solido componatur. | If it is as long as the upper phalanx of the index finger, it is fined with (three times) 1 solidus. |
3 sh = 36 sp
Almost all of the articles 8 through 66 are about triple fines. In some articles, the addition 'ter' is missing (numbers 50 through 55, 59, 64, and 65). Presumably, the tripling is applicable here as well. |
51 | Si quantum duo articuli indicis sunt, (ter) duobus solidis. | If [it is as long as] two phalanxes of the index finger, with (three times) 2 solidi. | 6 sh = 72 sp |
52 | Si quantum duo articuli et tertius dimidius, (ter) tribus solidis. | If [it is as long as] two phalanxes of the index finger and half the third phalanx, with (three times) 3 solidi. | 9 sh = 108 sp |
53 | Si quantum totus index, (ter) IIII solidis. | If [it is as long as] the full index finger, with (three times) 4 solidi. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
54 | Si supra longitudinem indicis spatium, quod inter indicem et pollicem est, fuerit adiectum, (ter) V solidis. | If to the length of the index finger is added the distance that is between index finger and thumb, with (three times) 5 solidi. | 15 sh = 180 sp |
55 | Si adiectus fuerit inferior articulus pollicis, (ter) VI solidis. | If the lower phalanx of the thumb is added, with (three times) 6 solidi. | 18 sh = 216 sp |
56 | Si et superior adiiciatur, quod vocant smelo, hoc est unius spannae longitudinem habuerit, ter VIII solidis componatur. | If also the upper [phalanx of the thumb] is added, which is called smelo, so that it has the length of one spanne, it is fined with three times 8 solidi. | 24 sh = 288 sp |
57 | Si quantum inter pollicem et medium extendi potest, longum fuerit, ter XII solidis componatur. | If it is as long, as can be stretched between thumb and middle finger, it is fined with three times 12 solidi. | 36 sh = 432 sp |
58 | Si longius fuerit, iterum ad indicis articulos recurrat et metiatur, et sicut superius, adiiciatur et solidorum compositio. | If it is longer, one turns to the phalanxes of the index finger again and measures, and like above it is added to the fine in solidi. | |
Apud occidentales Fresionea inter Flehi et Sincfalam quot unciarum fuerit longitudo vulneris, tot solidorum compositione persolvitur donec ad L et tres solidos perveniat, et unum tremissem. Ibi nobilis homo centum et VI solidis et duobus tremissis simpla compositione solvitur. Similiter inter Wisaram et Laubachi. Similiter manum ac pedem. |
Among the western Frisians between Vlie and Zwin, so many ounces as the length of the wound, are paid with just as many solidi, until one comes to 53 solidi and 1 tremisse; after that for a noble man 106 solidi and 2 tremisses are paid as a single fine. Likewise between Weser and Lauwers. Likewise hand and foot. |
53 1/3 GS = 160 sh = 1.920 sp 106 2/3 GS = 320 sh = 3.840 sp The last sentence, about hand and foot, has been misplaced by Herold: it belongs below the following article 59. |
Haec iudicia Saxmundus dictavit | These judgements dictated Saxmund | ||
59 | Oculum (ter) XXV solidis debere componi. | The eye must be fined with (three times) 25 solidi. (Likewise hand and foot). | 75 sh = 900 sp |
60 | Qui testiculos alii excusserit, ter tres solidos et tremissem. | He who kicks out another man's testicles, [is fined] three times 53 solidi and a tremisse. | 160 sh = 1.920 sp |
61 | Si brachium supra cubitum aut coxam transpunxerit, ter VI solidos componat. | If he pierces the arm below the elbow or the shinbone, he pays three times 6 solidi. | 18 sh = 216 sp |
62 | Si brachium sub cubito aut tibiam transpunxerit, ter III solidos componat. | If he pierces the arm below the elbow or the shinbone, he pays three times 3 solidi. | 9 sh = 108 sp |
63 | Si nasum transpunxerit, ter XII solidos. | If he pierces the nose, three times 12 solidi. | 36 sh = 432 sp |
64 | Si unam parietem transpunxerit, <(ter) VI. | If he pierces a wall, (three times) 6 [solidi]. |
18 sh = 216 sp
Paries or parietes can be a stone wall, but also the wall of a cavity or an organ, such as the abdominal parietes or the parietal bones which form the cranium. It is unclear which 'wall' is meant here. The article probably refers to a 'wall' in the head, since it appears between the articles for nose and jaw. The cranial wall is unlikely, because the fine is rather low. Maybe it is the cheek: the wall of the oral captivity. |
65 | Si unam maxillam transpunxerit, (ter) VI solidos. | If he pierces a lower jaw, (three times) 6 solidi. | 18 sh = 216 sp |
66 | Qui alium in flumine, vel in qualibet aqua, in profundum impinxerit, ut pedibus terram tangere non possit sed natare debeat, ter XII solidos componat, | He who pushes another into a river or in a water, into the depth, where his feet cannot touch the bottom so that he must swim, pays three times 12 solidi. | 36 sh = 432 sp |
67 | Qui alium in periculo aquae liberaverit, IIII solidorum mercedem accipiat. | He who rescues another who is in danger from the water, receives a reward of 4 solidi. | 4 GS = 12 sh = 144 sp |
68 | Si caballus aut bos aut quodlibet animal homini vulnuis intulerit, dominus eius, iuxta qualitatem vulneris in simplo componere iudicetur, et tres partes de ipsa mulcta componantur, quarta portione dimissa. | He who injures a horse or a cow or any other animal that belongs to a man, must pay to the owner a single fine according to the nature of the wound, and three parts of this fine must be paid, while the fourth part will be remitted. | |
Inter Wisaram et Laubachi tota compositio in simplo persolvitur. | Between Weser and Lauwers the full single fine must be paid. | ||
69 | Si homo quislibet telum manu tenet, et ipsum casu quolibet inciderit super alium, extra voluntatem eius qui illud manu tenet, in simplo iuxta qualitatem vulneris componatur. | If a man holds a projectile [arrow or javelin] in his hand, and it injures another by accident, against the will of the one holding it in his hand, he pays singular according to the nature of the wound. | |
70 | Similiter et puer qui nondum XII annos habet, si cuilibet vulnus intulerit, in simplo componat. | Likewise, a boy less than 12 years of age, if he injures somebody, pays singular. | |
71 | Haec omnes compositiones liberi hominis sunt. | These are all fines for a freeman. | |
72 | In nobili homine dimidio maiores. | For a noble man [they are] one half higher. | |
73 | In lito medietate minores. | For a serf one half lower. | |
Inter Flehi et Sincfalem solidus est duo denarii et dimidius ad novam monetam. Inter Wisaram et Laubaci duo denarii novi solidus est. |
Between Vlie and Zwin a solidus is worth two and a half denarii in new money. Between Weser and Lauwers a solidus is worth two new denarii. |
2 1/2 tr in new money = 2 1/2 sh = 30 sp 2 tr in new money = 2 sh = 24 sp Below, after article 78, follows another addition. It is strange that three new denarii do not always make one solidus. Henstra (1999, p 288) suggests that the multiplication by 2, in East Frisia, is because the kin's share is left out. The multiplication by 2 1/2 in West Frisia can be explained by leaving out the kin's share and adding the peace money (= half the kin's share). Recent research among 13th-century fine amounts in Zeeland and Waterland confirms this hypothesis (Henstra, pers. comm.). |
74 | Si lingua praecisa fuerit, medio weregildo componatur. | If the tongue is cut off, it is fined with half a wergeld. | |
75 | Si quis hominem mortuum effodierit, et ibi aliquid tulerit, ut caetera furta componat. | If anyone digs up a dead man and then takes something away, he is fined as for other thefts. | |
VVlemarus dicit | Wlemar says | ||
76 | Si quis liber uxorem alterius contra legem tulerit, reddat eam et facinus ter L tribus solidis et tremisse componat, et pro freda ad partem regis weregildum suum. | If a freeman takes away the wife of another man illegally, he must give her back and he pays the crime with three times 53 solidi and a tremisse, and as peace money to the king his wergeld. | 160 sh = 1.920 sp |
77 | Si quis illicitas nuptias contraxerit, separabitur ab uxore sua, et liceat tam ei quam et uxori legitime nubere. | If anyone makes an illegal marriage, he is separated from his wife, and both he and his wife are allowed to marry legitimately. | |
78 | Si vero separati fuerint, et iterum ad invicem fuerint reversi, weregildum suum uterque componat. | However, if they are separated, and come back together again, they both pay their wergeld. | |
Inter Laubachi et inter Flehi tres denarii novae monetae solidum faciunt. | Between Lauwers and Vlie three new denarii make one solidus. |
3 tr in new money = 3 sh = 36 sp
This remark should be above, after article 73. |
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Haec iuditia VVlemarus dictavit (Lex Thuringorum, Tit. VI) |
These judgements dictated Wlemar (Lex Thuringorum, Title VI) |
14 | Si contra stomachum vulnus factum claudi non potuerit, XII solidos pro ipsa apertione componat. | If a wound to the stomach can not be closed, 12 solidi are paid for this opening. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
15 | Si ipse stomachus perforatus fuerit, nec vulnus medicamento claudi potuerit, pro vulneris apertione totidem solidos componat, quot pro ipso vulnere composuit. | If the stomach is pierced, and the wound can not be closed by a medication, as many solidi are paid for the wound being open, as would have been paid for this wound itself | |
16 | Si intestina vel botelli perforati claudi non potuerint, similiter faciant, id est totidem solidis apertionem vulnerum componat, quot pro ipsis vulneribus composuit. | If the pierced entrails or intestines can not be closed, the same must be done, that is that as many solidi are paid for the wound being open, as would have been paid for this wound itself. | |
17 | Si utraque coxa ferro vel quolibet telo traiecta fuerit, VI solidos componat. | If both hips are being pierced by an iron [sword] or some projectile, it is fined with 6 solidi. | 6 GS = 18 sh = 216 sp |
18 | Si folliculus testiculorum cum coxa, IX solidos componat. | If the scrotum with the hips [are being pierced], it is fined with 9 solidi. | 9 GS = 27 sh = 324 sp |
19 | Si utraque coxa cum testiculis fuerint perforata, XV solidos componat. | If both hips with the testicles are being pierced, it is fined with 15 solidi. | 15 GS = 45 sh = 540 sp |
20 | Si quis alium in facie percusserit, ut oculus vel os torqueatur, IIII solidos componat. | If anyone hits another in the face, causing eyes or mouth to be injured, he pays 4 solidi. | 4 GS = 12 sch. = 144 sp |
21 | Si quis alium in brachio vel in crure percusserit, ut ipsa membra decrescant, et ita fuerit subtiliatum, ut duos digitos minuatur, IIII solidos componat. | If anyone hits another on the arm or leg, causing this limb to diminish, and get thinner by two fingers, he pays 4 solidi. | 4 GS = 12 sch. = 144 sp |
22 | Si unum, duos solidos; si digitus dimidius, solidum; si sexta pars digiti est, unum tremissem. | If it diminishes by one finger, 2 solidi; by half a finger, 1 solidus, by one sixth of a finger, 1 tremisse. |
2 GS = 6 sh = 72 sp 1 GS = 3 sh = 36 sp 1 golden tremisse = 1 sh = 12 sp |
23 | Qui harpatorem, qui cum circulo harpare potest, in manum percusserit, componat illud quarta parte maiore compositione, quam alteri eiusdem conditionis homini. Aurifici similiter. | He who hits a harp player, who can play harp with a circle on the hand, pays a one quarter higher fine, than for another man of the same rank. Likewise for a gold smith. | An alternative translation of 'cum circolo' would be: 'in a circle of people'. |
24 | Feminae fresum facienti similiter. | Likewise for a woman, who prepares fresum [Frisian woollen fabric]. | |
Tit. III
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De eo qui alteri viam contradixerit | On him, who blocks the road to another | |
1 | Si liber libero in via manus iniecerit, et contra legem viam contradixerit, aut aliquid tollere voluerit, ter IIII solidos componat, aut si negaverit, solus iuret in manu proximi. | If a freeman stops another freeman on the road and blocks his way illegally or he tries to take away something from him, he pays three times 4 solidi; or if he denies, he swears on his own on the hand of a relative. | 12 sh = 144 sp |
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De eo, qui alterum de caballo iactaverit | On him, who throws another from a horse | |
1 | Sic ei componat, quasi eum fuste percussisset; dimidium solidum componat. | He will pay him, as if he had hit him with a cudgel; he pays half a solidus. | 1/2 GS = 1 1/2 sh = 18 sp |
Tit. V
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De Muliere occisa | On the killing of a woman | |
1 | Si quis mulierum occiderit, solvat eam iuxta conditionem suam; similiter sicut et masculum eiusdem conditionis solvere debet. | If anyone kills a married woman, he pays for her according to her status, similar to what he would have to pay for a man of the same status. | |
Tit. VI
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Saxmundus De Flumine obtruso |
Saxmund On obstructing a river |
1 | Si quis in flumine viam publicam occluserit, XII solidos componat. | If anyone obstructs a public passage in a river, he pays 12 solidi. | 12 GS = 36 sh = 432 sp |
Tit. VII
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VVlemarus De Rebus fugitivis |
Wlemar On escaped creatures |
1 | Si servus, aut ancilla, aut equus, aut bos, aut quodlibet animal, fugiens dominum suum, ab alio fuerit receptum, et quaerenti domino negatum, et iterum depublicatum, reddat aut ipsum quod suscepit, aut aliud simile, vel pretium eius, et pro furto weregildum suum ad partem regis componat. | If a slave or a bondswoman or horse or cow or any animal, that has escaped from his owner, is captured by another, and he denies this to the complaining owner, and this comes out, he either returns the creature that he took, or another of the same value, or its value, and pays for the theft his wergeld to the king. | |
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De Pignoribus | On collaterals | |
1 | Si quis in pignus susceprit aut servum, aut equum, et ille servus aliquod damnum ibi fecerit, ad illum pertineat cuius servus est, non ad illum qui eum in pignus suscepit. | If anyone receives a slave or a horse as a pledge, and that slave causes damage somewhere, that damage belongs to the owner of the slave, not to the one who received the pledge. | |
2 | Si vero quislibet servum alterius per vim sustulit pignoris nomine, qoud pant dicunt, et ille damnum aliquod ibi commiserit, ille qui eum sustulit, pro damni qualitate mulctam cogatur exsolvere. | However, if anyone forcefully takes away a slave as a pledge from another, which is called pant [seizure], and he causes damage somewhere, than the one who took him must pay the compensation according to the damage. | |
Tit. IX
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De compositione | On fines | |
1 | Vis aut furtum in duplo componitur, et ad freda weregildum. | Violence or theft is fined twofold and as peace money the wergeld. | |
Tit. X
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De re praestita | On lending an object | |
1 | Si homo alii equum suum praestiterit, vel quamlibet aliam pecuniam, talem qualis ei praestita est reddat domino eius; et si forte peioratum reddiderit, componat ei iuxta quantitatem, qua rem eius inpeioravit. | If a man lends his horse to another, or another object, the borrower returns it to its owner as it was lent to him; and if he might return it damaged, he compensates according to the amount of damage. | |
2 | Quodsi caballus, qui praestitus erat, ipsum qui illum habuit calcibus percussit, aut forte occidit, nullus eum solvat. | However, if the horse that was lent, kicks the one who keeps it with its hoofs, or accidentally kills him, nobody pays for him. | |
Hoc trans Laubachi. | This is the rule on the other side of the Lauwers. | ||
Tit. XI
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De Honore templorum | On the honour of the temple | |
1 | Qui fanum effregerit, et ibi aliquid de sacris tulerit, ducitur ad mare, et in sabulo, quod accessus maris operire solte, finduntur aures eius, et castratur, et immolatur Diis quorum templa violavit. | If anyone breaks into a shrine and steals sacred items from there, he shall be taken to the sea, and on the sand, which will be covered by the flood, his ears will be cleft, and he will be castrated and sacrified to the god, whose temple he dishonoured. | |
Hec hactenus | So far |
Lex Frisionum |
Introduction Table of contents Text and translation |
Explanatory notes References Versions |
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