The two tables below show the most popular given names in this survey. For each location a top-10 is presented.
Names that occurred only once have been omitted, so for the locations with low numbers, the list contains less than 10 names.
In case of equal rankings, a list may contain more than 10 names.
For each name, only one spelling has been used on this page: the most frequent spelling in the overall list.
The various spellings that actually occurred in the various locations can be found on the list-pages.
Most popular feminine names.
Most popular masculine names. A comparison of the rank-lists does not reveal major differences among the locations. Margareta, Lisebette, and Aleydis were popular (almost) everywhere, and so were Jan, Willem and Henric. There were some remarkable exeptions. Margareta was not very popular in Dordrecht, and no Lisebettes were recorded in Rinnegom. Among the men, Jan scored low in Rinnegom, Willem in Groningen, and Henric in Holland. However, these exeptions did not represent regional differences, because the names mentioned were popular in neighbouring locations. A few masculine names enjoyed a remarkable popularity in only one or two locations: Boidin (very popular in Flanders), Didderic and Florens (popular in Holland) and Isbrand (the most popular masculine name in Rinnegom). The name Boidin (Baldwin) had been in use for centuries among the counts of Flanders, and so were the names Didderic (Dirk, Theoderic) and Florens among the counts of Holland. Several lords of Haarlem were called Is(en)brand. Apparently, the names of local rulers were adopted by their subjects. |
Introduction References Locations Raw data (550 Kb) |
Lists: Given names women Given names men Occupational names and Nicknames |
Analyses: Non-Germanic names Variation Most popular names Bynames |
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